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Hot dog Maker - Delight your family


The Feuchtwanger family would have been surprised to see this device, as they really did not expect their dish to be made now to be produced by an electric device. But about everything in the beginning.

The history of hot dogs

It all started in 1880 in St. Louis, Missouri in America. It was then that German emigrants from the Feuchtwanger began selling a German snack on the street for ordinary workers. They fried two types of sausages - Frankfurt and Vienna - and placed them in a sliced ​​bun with various toppings. Why a bun? Sausages were usually sold a long time ago, but hot sausages burned their hands, were slippery, and often fell from the hands to the ground. One way to avoid burns was to put a hot sausage in a bun. This is how the sausage was born.

In English, hot dogs are called "hot dogs". The name was coined by US journalists, mocking Frankfurt and Vienna sausages, which have been known throughout Europe since the 13th century. They suspected that dog meat was also used in those sausages. It is true that in the 19th century it was not a great sin to eat dogs in Europe and America, so some of the "fantasies" of the newspapers were not completely broken.
In America, this dish gradually took root as working-class food, with the snack sold just down the street. It was improved by everyone who was not lazy - the sausage was seasoned with melted cheese, vegetables and various sauces. This is how the sausage became popular all over the world.

Another type of sausage should be mentioned - the Czech sausage. The Czechs came up with the idea that the sausage should not be placed in a bun cut through the side, but inside an elongated bun. To do this, they used a metal rod to make a hole inside the buns. Then there was added sauce and sausage. Such sausages had no additives but were quick and easy to make.

Now Czech sausages can often be found at gas stations. They are convenient to eat in the car, although it is not recommended to do so while driving.

Sausage production at home

Making sausages at home is very straightforward. Elongated milk sausages and elongated buns are needed. Sausages should be fried on a pan or grill, then cut the bun and add the sauce. May be mayonnaise, tomato, garlic, mustard, brown meat sauce, etc. Then add the sausage and add some condiments if you like. It can be finely chopped onion, cabbage, cucumber, paprika. Then a little more sauce and health.

It is important that the bun is warm. Half a minute in the microwave will suffice.

Hot dogs are a very popular dish among children. They always like sausages like that. But the children cannot make the described sausage themselves. For this reason, an apparatus for making sausages was invented. It’s the perfect device for a kids party.

Sausage production apparatus

The sausage making machine is an electric device designed to cook this popular dish in the Czech way. All you need is a mountain bun with a cut end and sausages. Sausages should be placed in a special container upright. It rotates and heats the sausages to 100 degrees. Two rods with a heating element are mounted on the stainless steel housing. The two buns placed on them warm up in a few minutes. All you need is a sauce and food tongs. You pull out the sausage, put it inside the bun and enjoy the sausage to health. It’s a great party device. It consumes little electricity, and it can also be used to cook corn cobs, which, it turns out, is also very popular with children. All that remains is to grease the butter and sprinkle with salt.

Such a device is easy to clean as it is made of stainless steel. It is an ideal way to entertain with family or party guests. True, it is not cheap, but it will be useful for many years. After all, not eating sausages every day ...

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